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BODYBUILDING Art & Challenge

Blog about bodybuilding, nutrition, supplements, all you need

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  • Tendonitis of the biceps

    06 June 2015

    Tendonitis of the Long Head of the Biceps: Long head of biceps tendonitis is an inflammation or irritation of the upper biceps tendon. This strong, cord-like structure connects the upper end of the biceps muscle to the bones in the shoulder. Pain in the...

  • Published from Overblog

    05 September 2021

    البطيخ مليء بالماء والعناصر الغذائية ، ويحتوي على عدد قليل جدا من السعرات الحرارية ، وهو منعش بشكل استثنائي. علاوة على ذلك ، فهو مصدر غذائي جيد لكل من سيترولين والليكوبين ، وهما مركبان نباتيان قويان. قد يكون للبطيخ العديد من الفوائد الصحية ، بما في ذلك...

  • أشواغاندا

    05 September 2021

    #ashwagandha ما هو اشواغاندا؟ أشواغاندا نبات يستخدم في الطب التقليدي في الهند. جذره له رائحة كرائحة الحصان. ينمو في الهند والشرق الأوسط وأجزاء من إفريقيا. يتم استخدام أجزاء مختلفة من النبات ، ولكن الأكثر شيوعًا في المكملات هو استعمال مستخلص جذوره. ما...

  • النوم والرياضة

    05 September 2021

    السلام عليكم. عدم الانتظام وعدد الساعات القليلة في النوم من الأسباب التي تؤثر سلبا على الرياضي. النوم الجيد عامل أساسي من أجل التعافي العضلي ومن أجل نتائج رائعة. من الأسباب التي تؤدي الى عدم انتظام النوم لدى الرياضي هي النقص في بعض الفيتامينات والمعادن....

  • نمط التدريب

    05 September 2021

    السلام عليكم. يتم تعريف نمط التدريب على أنه عدد مرات التمرين في الأسبوع، على وجه التحديد عدد المرات التي يتم فيها #تدريب عضلة معينة أسبوعيا. ويعد وقت #التعافي الأمثل بين أيام التدريب أمرًا مهمًا في تنظيم عملية التكيف العضلي التي تترجم إلى تقدم. غالبًا...

  • Fish oil–derived n–3 PUFA therapy increases muscle mass and function in healthy older adults

    09 June 2015

    Gordon I Smith, Sophie Julliand, Dominic N Reeds, David R Sinacore, Samuel Klein, and Bettina Mittendorfer Abstract Background: Age-associated declines in muscle mass and function are major risk factors for an impaired ability to carry out activities...


    30 June 2015

    1. Fasting Helps Weight Loss Fasting can be a safe way to lose weight as many studies have shown that intermittent fasting – fasting that is controlled within a set number of hours – allows the body to burn through fat cells more effectively than just...

  • History of bodybuilding

    06 June 2015

    The roots of bodybuilding go all the way back to ancient Greece. It was the athletes of ancient Greece who used to train in the gymnasiums (Greek for "naked place"); however, they did not use resistance training as a form of body modification but rather...

  • Effects of Low- Versus High-Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Well-Trained Men.

    07 June 2015

    By: Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Peterson, Mark D.; Ogborn, Dan; Contreras, Bret; Sonmez, Gul T. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of low- versus high-load resistance training (RT) on muscular adaptations in well-trained subjects. Eighteen young...

  • Role of Carbohydrate Restriction in the Treatment and Prevention of Cancer

    14 June 2015

    1- Most, if not all, tumor cells have a high demand on glucose compared to benign cells of the same tissue and conduct glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen (the Warburg effect). In addition, many cancer cells express insulin receptors (IRs) and show...

  • Hypoglycemic effect of isoleucine involves increased muscle glucose uptake and whole body glucose oxidation and decreased hepatic gluconeogenesis.

    26 June 2015

    Publication: American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism Publication Date: 2007 Study Author(s): Doi, Masako;Yamaoka, Ippei;Nakayama, Mitsuo;Sugahara, Kunio;Yoshizawa, Fumiaki; Isoleucine, a branched chain amino acid, plays an important...

  • Raise your VO2max to delay aging

    29 September 2015

    People who do an aerobic sports activity every day age more slowly than people who lead a sedentary life, write physiologists from the University of Colorado in Mechanisms of Ageing and Development

  • Little sleep, fat midriff

    23 August 2015

    Sleep and fat

  • L-Ornithine gives faster sprint during endurance activity

    06 June 2015

    "It is difficult to obtain sufficient amounts of L-ornithine from ordinary meals for antifatigue", the researchers write. "In this study, we used L-ornithine synthesized by the fermentation method. We recommend L-ornithine intake as a nutritional supplement...

  • Two grams ginger reduces muscle soreness by a quarter

    15 June 2015

    You haven't been training for a while, but you want to start pumping iron again. Or you want to experiment with a new training schedule, but you know it's going to give you painfully sore muscles ...

  • The effect of a litre of skimmed milk after a workout

    16 June 2015

    Strength athletes who lack time, money or motivation to optimise their diet can achieve excellent results just by drinking a litre of skimmed milk after each training session, write Canadian sports

  • How Vitamin D May Affect Heart Disease, Diabetes

    15 June 2015

    Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Chronic inflammation plays a role in both of these diseases, and most immune cells have receptors for vitamin D. Binding of vitamin D to its receptor regulates many key processes...

  • Stop worrying, go and start strength training

    12 July 2015

    Stress and strength training

  • Build muscle mass, increase endurance capacity and lose fat through intermittent

    30 June 2015

    We are not aware of it, but our eating habits are pretty unnatural. We eat from the moment we wake up to when we fall asleep again. If we can break this pattern and start doing intermittent fasting

  • Do your cardio after weight training and burn more fat

    08 June 2015

    "This study showed that fat availability during submaximal exercise was enhanced by prior resistance exercise", the researchers write in their conclusion. "However, augmentation of fat oxidation during the submaximal exercise was observed only in the...

  • Short-term magnesium supplementation boosts maximal strength

    04 August 2015

    Magnesium supplementation makes you stronger, but the effect depends on how long you use it for. Lindsy Kass and Filipe Poeira of the University of Hertfordshire write in the Journal of the ...

  • Creatine boosts protective effect of resistance training on bone mass

    06 June 2015

    The decrease in bone mass in the neck of the femur of the women in the creatine group almost came to a halt. In the women who had not taken creatine the bone breakdown continued. This is a relevant finding because people with osteoporosis often break...

  • Study: strength training just as effective without doing sets to failure

    24 June 2015


  • MY BOOK, (french version)

    07 January 2018

  • Late-night snacking: Is it your brain's fault?

    06 June 2015

    We've all gotten the urge to consume a midnight snack, and new research from scientists at Brigham Young University may explain why we're so prone to overeating at night. Their study in Brain Imaging and Behavior used fMRI to study how our brains responded...